Happy Birthday, Dear Jesus! What “Full Metal Jacket” Can Teach Us About Traditionalism

I was reading an interesting review of Julius Evola’s “Orientations: 11 Points”. 

In it, the author named “Aeneas” wrote something that struck me like a brick through a plate glass window: 

“As long as communism and the Soviet Union were perceived as external enemies, the USA could sustain internally a certain amount of reaction and conservatism to define itself as the opposite of the USSR. 

“However, once the wall came down, the right in the USA became irrelevant, so that progressive forces could continue unchecked, no longer subject to the charge of being pro-marxist and treasonous.” 

I have written about this topic extensively before. However, this unique insight from a fellow Evolian reminded me of a scene from a very interesting film…


The Drill Instructor sequences of the Vietnam War Classic Full Metal Jacket is oftentimes considered by film critics to be a bizarre, ironic, dark humor portrayal of the banality of discipline to prosecute an unjust war. 

The many famous quotable statements made by R. Lee Ermey’s Drill Instructor character are seen as insane, tyrannical, offensive, and not capable of being taken seriously. 

They are seen as totally being in the realm of satire, not capable of being interpreted sincerely by the intellectually sophisticated. 

Real Marines will often chuckle at these Postmodern film critic interpretations, and enjoy the film’s basic training sequences that recall their own days in boot camp. 

I, however, take a different view. 

I see the sequence to be deeply sincere and Spiritually very serious…chock full of Christian, Indo-European Symbolism working subliminally on the subconscious!

Just what exactly is that Symbolism, you ask? 


In one famous sequence in Full Metal Jacket, R. Lee Ermey’s Drill Instructor character leads his recruits in singing “Happy Birthday” to Jesus on Christmas. 

Each statement Ermey makes in this scene contains an Esoteric Truth only decipherable with the aid of the knowledge of Traditionalism. 

After singing “Happy Birthday”, Ermey declares: 

“Today is Christmas!

“There will be a magic show at zero nine thirty. Chaplain Charlie will tell you, about how the free world WILL conquer Communism…

“With the aid of God…and a few Marines!”

Here, R, Lee Ermey explains the  union of Spiritual and Warrior Castes under the Divinity of God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ.

And the depth of this concept goes deeper than you think.


“God has a hard-on for Marines,” Ermey contines, “Because we kill–everything we see.”

This line is not some kind of Fruedian satire played for irreverent laughs, but an esoteric reality. 

God is the Masculine Solar Divinity…the First Cause of all things in Creation, the unmoved mover. 

He is the Immovable Pole, an Axis around which the Earth revolves around, the unshakable Rock which provides the solid foundation for any house built upon it. 

Phallic symbolism, while we may think of it as crude and uncouth, actually points to this esoteric reality when done in the right, reverent, and sincere spirit. 

And R. Lee Ermey has that spirit in spades!


“He plays His games, we play ours,” Ermey goes on. 

Here he is explaining that the Spiritual Caste is run by God with a specific role and function…those are “His Games”. 

And God blesses the Warrior Caste as it performs its specific roles and functions…“Our Games”.

 “To show our appreciation, for so much power,” Ermey elaborates, “We keep heaven packed–with fresh souls.” 

What he means here is that the ability to play for the Warrior Caste to play “Our Games” and the power to do it comes from God…“His Games.” 

Quite frankly, we can’t do it without Him! 


Ermey elaborates on this when he says: “God was here before the Marine Corp, so you can give your heart to Jesus!”

The Spiritual Caste comes first before the Warrior Caste. Always. This is true both temporally and in esoteric ranking, and it’s why Jesus said in Matthew 6:33: 

“Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and all these things will be added unto you.”

At the end of the day, the Warrior Caste must rest on the Spiritual Caste Foundation. It’s a Law of Metaphysics, just as true as the Law of Gravity is in the realm of Physics. 

And this Foundation must be made of Rock, for as Jesus Himself said in Matthew 7:24-25: 

“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 

“The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.”


But what about that Magic Show conducted by Chaplain Charlie, you might ask? 

Well, that’s the kicker there. 

All of this is IS Magic. There is Magic all around us.

When we are able to look deeper beyond the surface, we can see the secret truths of Traditionalism, encased with the Christian, Indo-European Symbolism of our People. 

These secret truths are everywhere. But only when the Spiritual Caste and the Warrior Castes are united can we see these Truths. 

King Arthur’s gotta have a Merlin. King David’s gotta have a Samuel. 

And R. Lee Ermey?

Well, he’s gotta have a Chaplain Charlie! 

Now that gives a new meaning to the phrase found in 1st Corinthians 1:27, NLT: 

“But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise…”

Keep on keeping on, my friends! 

And come Christmas, sing Happy Birthday! 


Richard Barrett


Written at 10:06 PM, within oaken encased walls somewhere in the USA…

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