The Clarion Call is Sounding: King Arthur’s Three-Fold Path of Masculinity

If you have been reading writings, then you know that the Mythology of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table is very important to me. 

I believe strongly that for me, it is the foundation of the Indo-European Warrior Caste Mythology in its Northwest European varieties, particularly the Anglo-American expressions throughout history. 

Consequently, I have been studying a very momentous book, The Secret Tradition of the Arthurian Legend by Gareth Knight. 

The author is a 98 years old Englishman, and is the Spiritual heir to Dion Fortune. Given his age, he is a product of the old British Education system. 

It was a system where teenagers learned Latin and Greek and Hebrew as a basic requirement, and where Plato, Aristotle, Homer, Mallory, and Shakespeare were as familiar faces as Batman and Superman are today.

This is a generation that witnessed the Finest Hours of WWII, that last roaring of the Lion of the British Empire, and then witnessed the tragic downfall into degeneracy of the mightiest Empire on this planet. 

Gareth Knight is a man of much experience who has many wise things to say. 


The Secret Tradition of the Arthurian Legend has made many things clear for me that have clouded for a very long time. 

In it, he chronicles the Esoteric path and traditions of the Indo-European Family Tree’s Northwest European branch, from the Medieval Times up until today.

This type of work is vital, as oftentimes the only expression of Indo-European Esotericism researched and published comes from the Ancient Indian and Norse Viking Traditions. 

However, we have our very own Esoteric expressions that are a part of this Family Tree, right here at home. 

If we only know where to look! 


As I have often said time and time again, the basis of my entire belief system, the entire Indo-European Warrior Caste Mythology, is very simple. 

It can be boiled down into: the Knight slays the Dragon to save the Princess. 

But how does a man walk that path? 

How does he harness his Esoteric Energies within himself to become that Knight, to slay that Dragon, to save that Princess and live happily ever after

Gareth Knight provides an illuminating answer. 


It begins with his analysis of how the Knights and Princesses relate to one another through Sexual Polarity. 

In his book, Gareth Knight explains that the King Arthur Legends provide a pathway for the young Knight to develop and choose the right Princess. 

It is a three-fold model: 

First, the Young Man develops an Ideal Image of the Woman he seeks, linking Sexuality and Wisdom together. This was the role facilitated by the Lady of the Lake for Arthur, Lancelot, and many other Round Table Knights.

Second, the Young Man finds an older female mentor, a maternal figure, to instruct him in the ways of Women’s Inner Nature and her intrinsic needs, so that he can ultimately be the Man to meet those needs. 

Note this relationship in the second phase is not sexual, and is only for the facilitation of information on what we would today call “Gender Differences”. 

Third, with this Ideal Image in mind and his training in how to win her, the Young Man goes out and finds this Mythical Princess in reality. He finds her, slays her Dragon, and wins her hand, thereby completing the cycle! 

But this three-fold model works for many other things, too… 


As I was reflecting upon the truth of the above three-fold model as I have experienced it in my life, I realized that this three-fold model not only helps the Young Man find his Ideal Princess. 

I realized that this three-fold model also helps the Young Man transform into the worthy Knight that is imprinted upon his Warrior Caste Soul in visions and dreams! 

First, the Young Man develops an Ideal Image of the Confrontational Warrior Hero he wants to be.

It is preferable that this Hero is a Flat Character Arc, who represents the Ideal, the best of the best. 

This is the role of the Indo-European Warrior Caste Mythology, to provide these Ideal Archetypes as Images for the Young Man to see.  

Pulp Fiction in print and in film is one of the best tools to do this with…and of course, so are the Legends of King Arthur! 


Second, the Young Man must find Male Mentors in real life who have walked the Path he seeks, and he must learn the ways of the Confrontational Warrior Hero from them. 

In my life, I have been very fortunate in this regard. My Grandpa is a Blue Collar, “School of Hard Knocks” guy whose heroes are the Cowboys of old. 

My Dad was in Federal Law Enforcement for many years and deployed all over the world, doing tough work for a vital mission. 

And finally, many of my friends and mentors were Marines and Soldiers who had fought the GWOT in Iraq and Afghanistan. 

These men, and many more I have known, respected, and admired, have taught me many things along this path. I have been very fortunate to have had them. 

However, Male Mentors do not only come in the form of face-to-face interactions. 

They also come from the pages of history, as history is the account of real men who lived out their Warrior Caste Mythology in their real lives. 

Likewise, it comes from many men living who have written or recorded their experiences and lessons down. 

Finally, it comes from men who can interpret the meanings behind the Ideal Images presented in the Indo-European Warrior Caste Mythology, and show how these Ideals can be put into action in real life.

In today’s world of interconnection, of Amazon, Youtube, and all the rest, many Young Men are presented with an unparalleled opportunity to access this record…and many, many are! 


The third and final step, is then to live out the Dreams and the Lessons derived from the first two steps respectively. 

How the whole thing is done is best explained by one of it’s most adept practitioners, T.E. Lawrence of Arabia. 

Inspired by the Chivalric Tales of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table, of Knights Templars slogging it out in the Ancient Holy Land to save Arabian Princesses, Lawrence of Arabia built himself into the ideal Knight. 

He led the Arab Revolt against the Genocidal Ottoman Empire, fighting alongside his foreign friends for freedom and winning the First World War in the Middle East for the British Empire. 

And in a little known part of his story, he even won the hand of his Ideal Arabian Princess, his secret Syrian Christian Lover Farida al-Akle, to whom he dedicated his great exploits to. 

Lawrence lived all three steps in both models, both to make himself a Knight and to win the hand of the Princess. 

I’ll let him explain how he did it in his own words: 

“All Men dream, but not equally. 

“Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their mind awake to find it was all vanity. 

“But the dreamers of the day, they are dangerous men, for they act their dreams with open eyes to make them possible. 

“This I did.” 


Well, there you have it. 

Two different three-fold models to become the Knight you’ve always wanted to be, and win the hand of the Princess of your dreams.

Many Men have done it before you. 

Now it is your turn. 

The Clarion Call is sounding. 

Hear it and answer! 


Richard Barrett


Written at 2:14 PM, somewhere in the USA…

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