The Blasphemy of Inversion: Morgan Le Fay’s Three-Fold Path of Emasculation

If you’ve read “The Clarion Call is Sounding: King Arthur’s Three-Fold Path of Masculinity”, then you know there is a specific, three-step model for a Young Man to become the Knight and win the hand of his Princess. 

However, just what if an insidious force wanted to screw Young Men…to keep them Slaves locked away from the Princess they love, powerless second-class citizens to the Predatory Dragon burning down the Kingdom?

Just who would do such a thing? 

And just how would they do it? 


Last night I went to go see the much-lauded Barbie movie. It was not something I did for myself. It was a good will gesture out of respect for some friends. 

I had read the plot and I knew what I was in. Upon finishing it, grim-faced and sickened, I was not surprised at all how it played out. 

It was the Philosophy of Postmodern Feminism made manifest in Symbolic Image form, the Mythology of the Tellurgic Snake Cult made manifest in the Modern World. 

I like to keep things positive on this website. I don’t like to talk about the bad guys too much. I prefer to talk about the good guys triumphing, and how to make that happen in your own life

Too often, people place too much emphasis on depredations of the bad guys, turning to victimized wallowing self-pity. That’s not for me. 

But as “Mad Dog” Mattis famously said during his heroic days in Iraq: “The enemy gets a vote.”

Consequently, you sometimes gotta examine what the bad guys are up to, so you don’t get yourself screwed! 


From 2014-2016, I attended the University of Mary Washington, first pursuing a degree in History, then changing my Major to Political Science. 

During this time I wrote and published two books, The Forgotten History of WWI: From the Dark Ages to 1939 (2014), and All Men Follow the Strongman: The Forgotten History of the Iraq War (2015). 

I then transferred to Regent University, where I spent 2016-2018 finishing my degree in Political Communications. 

The first was a wonderful example of a Far-Left state school. The second a Conservative Christian college. The latter taught the exact same stuff but with a Bible verse tacked on.

Gotta keep it holy! 


Before the bad times, there were the good times. 

At the University of Mary Washington, I first learned the secrets of Structuralism and Polarity in the Indo-European Warrior Caste context from a wonderful book, Six Guns and Society: A Structural Study of the Western by Will Wright. 

I then learned Greco-Roman Mythology from a wonderful Russian Associate Professor, Olga Arans. 

Her teachings, in conjunction with my personal reading of Christopher Booker’s The Seven Basic Plots: Why We Tell Stories,  led me to create “The Pulp Fiction Renaissance Character Archetype System” that you know of today!   

But it wasn’t all Six Guns and Mythology…

Not by a long shot! 


It was also at the University of Mary Washington that I learned the Philosophy of Postmodernism…the modern day intellectual foundation of the Tellurgic Snake Cult Mythology

Today, many people simply call this “Woke”. They learned it in 2020 through overwhelming media coverage of political and ideological clashes rocking the nation in that long-remembered annus horribilis

But I learned it from the Postmodern practitioners themselves: from forced, supervised, close-readings of their sacred texts. 

If you want to know what the bear is like, you go and observe him in his den. 

I was a mental slave in the bear’s den for 4 years. 


I was taught the ins and outs of Postmodernism by Dr. Mary Rigsby. The text we built our understanding of Postmodernism on was the 2006 edition of Critical Theory Today: A User-Friendly Guide by Lois Tyson. 

If you want to understand how these guys actually work and what they actually believe, this is your one stop shop right here. 

For starters, Postmodernists don’t believe in Human Nature. They say it is an “Oppressive Social Construct”, and a human being is Tablua Raisa…a blank slate to write whatever you want on it. 

In practical terms, they believe they can grow an Acorn into a Cactus if they want to…they think there is nothing inherent in the nature of Acorn that makes it grow into an Oak Tree. 

Consequently, they are against all forms of Structuralism and Polarity, because Human Nature is built off such. 

However, they have a problem: Reality. There is a Human Nature. An Acorn grows into an Oak Tree and not a Cactus. And Structuralism and Polarity are the foundation of all these things. 

Consequently, what Postmodernists do then is they just invert the parties involved in Structuralism and Polarity. 

What does this look like in practice? 

In their teachings, the Indo-European Confrontational Warrior Cultures are billed as Predatory in their system, and the Third World Predatory Warrior Cultures are billed as Confrontational. 

So any Indo-European Leader who helps people of all colors and creeds is billed as an evil Dictator. And any Third World Dictator who exterminates his own people is billed as a liberating Hero. 

It means that Men are billed as Women, and Women as Men. This belief is far deeper rooted than most understand. 

They are so emphatic on this point that they take it down to the level of biology, in which they view the Female Clitoris as the Penis, and the Male Prostate as the Vaginal-buried G-Spot. 

This is not a joke. I have read this many times in University. This is what tens of thousands of dollars a year gets you.  

Don’t drop the soap…


But the astounding truth is, that’s not even the most messed up part. 

You see, there are two kinds of Polarity…Competitive and Cooperative. In my foundational article, “The Eagle & The Snake: The Secret Key to Pulp Fiction”, I laid out the basis of Competitive Polarity. 

Competitive Polarity is represented by the Knight slaying the Dragon, and is explained very well in the language of Structuralism by Will Wright in Six Guns and Society: A Structural Study of the Western. He just swaps out the Knight slaying the Dragon for the Cowboy shooting the Bandit, which in reality is the same thing

The Polarity most people are familiar with in the Esoteric Community is Cooperative Polarity within the context of Love between Man and Woman. This allows them to each be empowered in their unique Masculine and Feminine Natures equally.

Cooperative Polarity is represented by the Knight winning the hand of the Princess, embodied in the ritual of Tantric Sex

This simple concept of Competitive Polarity and Cooperative Polarity is further summarized in a very simple phrase: 

Friends and Foes. 

The Postmodern problem? 

They only believe in Competitive Polarity. They do not believe in Cooperative Polarity in the slightest. 

There can be no Friends. 

There can only  be Foes. 


Because they only believe in Competitive Polarity and reject Cooperative Polarity in all its forms, this leads the Postmodern belief system to some very disturbing conclusions. 

In their belief, the Dragon has to slay the Knight. And Women have to enslave and emasculate Men. 

This logic also leads to their disturbing view that Indo-European Warrior Cultures and Third World Warrior Cultures cannot ally together as equals in common cause against a common Predatory foe. 

That means Lawrence of Arabia can’t be friends with Sherif Ali, the Lone Ranger can’t be friends with Tanto, Daniel Boone can’t be friends with Mingo, and John Carter can’t be friends with Tars Tarkus! 

And if these heroes can’t ally together in the Mythical realm, then no Heroes in History could possibly ever do so in reality!

By following this logic, Christian British Indo-Europeans, Islamic Egyptian Arabs, and Animist Sudanese Africans could not have possibly allied together as brothers in 1898 to defeat the Genocidal Sudanese Mahdist Jihadi Insurgency that murdered 8 million people. 

But the reality is, they did. 

The icing on the cake that justifies this madness? 

Postmodernists believe that Logic is simply an oppressive social construct, so who cares if their belief system makes sense? 

You cannot negotiate with abject and utter madness. 


In the King Arthur Legends, the evil Sorceress Morgan Le Fay is the Queen of the Tellurgic Snake Cult. She believes all the same stuff that the Postmodernists do today. 

Just give Julius Evola’s Revolt Against the Modern World and Jonathan Cahn’s The Return of the Gods a read. 

These scholarly mythological surveys explain in great detail that the tenets we today call “Woke” Postmodernism are merely modern day expressions of the age-old destructive Tellurgic Snake Cult belief system.

And just like the Postmodernists of today, Morgan Le Fay’s goal was to screw up Young Men and lead them away from their Indo-European Warrior Caste dreams. 

How do they do this? 

They invert King Arthur’s Three-Fold Path of Masculinity


It starts from the end, as all good inversions do by their very nature. 

First it discourages the activities of the Young Man as a great Knight, making him retreat into his mind.  

Then, it denigrates the lessons, logic, and experience of the real-life Mentors, claiming all these things are false. 

They lead you to believe, at best, that Knights are fake and can only exist in the realm of fantasy. 

At worst, they lead you to believe that those lessons, logic, and experiences  are not only false and fantasy-bound, but are really evil and destructive. 

Finally, it seeks to destroy the Ideal Images of the Indo-European Warrior Caste Mythology, the Knight slaying the Dragon to save the Princess. 

It supplants this image with its opposite: the Dragon slaying the Knight, and the Princess turned Evil Tellurgic Snake Cult Queen castrating the Knight in ritual emasculation. 


It doesn’t matter whether you learned it at the University of Mary Washington in a class on Postmodernism, or in a dark theater somewhere watching the blockbuster Barbie movie. 

The enemy gets a vote. 

And my friend, they are stuffing the ballots. 

But at the end of the day, you get a vote, too. 

You get to choose which path you take. 

Will you take King Arthur’s Three-Fold Path of Masculinity? 

Or will you take Morgan Le Fay’s Three-Fold Path of Emasculation? 

I know which path I’m taking. 

Reject the Blasphemy of Inversion. Slay the Dragon. 

Win the Princess. 

Saddle up, and join me! 


Richard Barrett


Written at 12:27 PM somewhere in the USA…

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